About Us


Our vision is to nurture, create, educate and celebrate.

Meet Ella and Libby -

Ella grew up two hours west of Brisbane, tending to the veggie patch from four years old. From secondary school teaching to accounting and finance, Ella had a diverse career. Her love of the land and nature motivated her studies in environmental science, naturopathy and permaculture. Ella's Farm was born in 2016, as a place to nurture the earth and grow nutritious organic, food to share with her family.

Libby, Ella's daughter, graduated as a doctor in 2017. Working in the overwhelmed hospital system further ignited her passion for preventative, holistic approaches to both human and planetary health. Observing the unifying practices that foster healthy bodies and healthy planets, they opened doors to the public in 2019. Their goal is to educate and empower the community with knowledge and skills to foster wellbeing for both person and planet.

Ella -

“My permaculture farm started as a journey to natural, chemical free living for myself and my family. Now I see this space as a blessing for a whole community, where we can embark on this journey for a sustainable future together.”



What is permaculture?

Learning to grow food is a bread and butter life skill. It is wild that this does not form part of basic education. Permaculture is a way of life that encompasses these skills as well as focusing on your purpose and goals, valuing relationships as well as the broader community and the planet. Permaculture principles are featured in various forms of growing; from regenerative agriculture, rewilding, to community resilience. Permaculture provides a frame work for reducing waste, reusing, recycling and regenerating our planet and our connection with it.

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Did you know:

“Rapid adoption of regenerative agriculture, based in part on the historic growth rate of organic agriculture, & projected conversion of conservation agriculture to regenerative annual cropping over time, could result in a total reduction of 14.5-22.3 gigatons of carbon dioxide. This is both from sequestration and reduced emissions. Regenerative annual cropping could provide a $2.3-3.5 trillion lifetime operational cost savings and lifetime net profit gain of $135-206 billion on an investment of $79-116 billion. - Source


Why is eating organic, nutrient-dense food important?

Conventional agriculture and mass production of mono-crops is a chemical laden process that leaves soil dead and food nutrient-depleted. A USA study on food composition from 1950 to 1999 showed protein, calcium, phosphorous, iron, riboflavin (B12) and Vitamin C ranges were significantly depleted in modern crops compared to produce from the 1950’s.

This depletion of nutrient density is a by-product of the processes needed to create monoculture farming, otherwise knowns as single crop farming. Single crop farming is a man-made system of mass, uniform production. It does not mimic natures complex array of harmonious microbes and plants. Instead, it features synthetic chemicals and heavy soil tilling, depleting valuable nutrients and organisms in the process.

Soil is much more than dirt. It is home to countless symbiotic relationships between fungi, bacteria and plants. Mimicking natures natural systems restores soil and nutrient density in the food grown on that land.

Eating certified organic produce farmed in a regenerative way, not only protects you from the proven effects of pesticide chemicals such as glyphosate, but you contribute to the building back of soil health, which is essential for healthy food, healthy communities and the future of our planet.

Daily Life at the Farm

Mornings begins with a coffee and our routine visit to the ducks, geese, alpacas and chickens. We take stock of our resources: our solar energy system that powers the entire farm, and the ever precious water storage. Each day our amazing team nurtures and maintains a different growing area from Aquaponics, Syntropic food forests, planted swales and planter boxes. Fridays we harvest and prepare for the weekend ahead.

Looking to learn more about regenerative agriculture or organic food production? Join us for our volunteer morning.


Ella at The Sustainable Table, June 2020

At our recent Sustainable Table event Ella discusses her path to regenerative, organic growing, why it’s important and quick tips on how to get started.




To empower the community with skills to grow their own organic vegetables, no matter the space or resources they have. To celebrate this beautiful space and nurture ourselves, our connection to the land and one another.


What Ella’s Farm offers you


Would you like to be inspired and empowered to use the resources you currently have to grow your own food? Our volunteer Saturdays open our organic pastures to the community. Our courses provide learning opportunities from beginner growers to those more experienced. Ella’s Farm has a place for you no matter the size of your pot or plot.